Homemade Empanadas- GF +DF
You won’t be able to have just one of these amazing gluten free Empanadas.
Empanada dough is less flaky than pie crust. It has a more tender texture that soaks up the filling without becoming soggy. These delightful pastries can have many different fillings including beef, chicken, beans or cheese. We filled ours with mashed potatoes and spices. Bursting with flavor, these baked empanadas are perfect as an appetizer, dinner, or a mid-day snack!
You can store them in the freezer up to a month in a ziplock bag.

Ingredients: (about 20-24 empanadas)

1 pkg Extra White Gold GF bread flour 
1 tsp sugar (optional)
1/8 tsp salt
2 large eggs
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
1/2 cup lukewarm water 

Filling of choice , cooled

Egg wash

How to make?
  1. In a medium bowl mix flour, sugar, salt. In a second bowl, mix eggs, oil, water.

  2. In a stand up mixer blend the dough ingredients until the dough forms a ball around the side of the bowl. Transfer to a clean work surface and knead a few times until the dough forms a smooth ball. Divide the dough in half.

  3. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Working with one half at a time, roll out dough to a 1/8-inch thickness on a lightly floured work surface. Using a 6-inch round cutter, cut out 6 circles. Reroll dough as needed. Repeat with the remaining half of the dough.

  4. Spoon about 1 tablespoon or less of filling in the middle of each dough circle. Fold circles in half and press the edges together.

  5. Crimp the dough with your fingers or a fork around the edge to seal. Place empanadas on the lined baking sheet.

  6. Brush empanadas with the egg wash and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool for a few minutes before serving.



Sarah V

Sarah V

This recipe is amazing! I will double the recipe next time.

Dina Fyu

Dina Fyu

I made them with cheese and they were so good!!! Now, I’m thinking of using spinach and ground beef for a filling. Yumm

Michelle G

Michelle G

Made them last night!! Big success!!

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